Gamma Rho Chapter

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The Gamma Rho Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi (Founded 25 March 1997) is located at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Chapter was founded by Chapter alumnus Name and was a member of the Great Lakes Region before the regions were disbanded.

Brothers of the Gamma Rho Chapter, Spring 2017

Chapter History


Early Years

The Active Chapter

Executive Board

Executive Board Position Holders

President: Blair LaCross

Vice President: Chance Owens

Secretary: Amanda Bischof

Treasurer: Alifyia Josh

Parliamentarian: Emily Keegan

ICR/CRLC: Gail Foldenauer

Historian(s): Rachel Williams and Nathanael Gommesen

Initiate Advisor(s): Jeffrey Herbert and Reilly Chabie

Executive Board Descriptions

President: Responsible for: completing the annual re-activation process of Western Michigan University, registering the Chapter as a Registered Student Organization through the university, holding a meeting to discuss yearly goals, attend or find delegate to the National Convention, ensure that no one aspect of the Tripod is over-stressed, created agenda for the both weekly Brother Meeting and weekly Executive Board Meeting, and to keep close contact with the National Office.

Vice President: Responsible for: appointing all active members to a specific committee to participate in, protecting/granting access to Chapter documents, dealing with room reservations, and overseeing the production of monthly Chapter events for the general membership.

Secretary: Responsible for: keeping a record of all proceedings of the Chapter and Executive Board meetings, distributing the minutes to the General Council before the next regularly scheduled meeting, making all minutes available for review by the Membership of the Chapter, responsible for meeting attendance records, maintaining the Fraternity Roll Book, and preserving/submitting all National/Chapter forms/documents/records.

Treasurer: Responsible for: attending University financial workshops as required by the University for on-campus funds, announcing and collecting dues, collecting/distributing money for events, and the fraternity account.

Parliamentarian: Responsible for: maintaining order at all official meetings and events, upholding Robert's Rules of Order, correcting grammar/spelling/punctuation/mechanical errors in the Chapter Bylaws, and knowing the necessary number for quorum.

ICR/CRLC: Responsible for: maintaining relations and contacts with other chapters or Phi Sigma Pi and providing the Chapter with opportunities for inter-chapter events.

Historian(s): Responsible for: keeping/collecting/preserving an accurate history of the Chapter, providing Phi Sigma Pi history (National and Local) to the Initiates during the Initiate Process, facilitating Initiate Meetings, and administering tests/exams to the Initiate Class.

Initiate Advisor(s): Responsible for: reviewing/updating the Initiate Process for the Chapter, planning/implementation of the Initiation and Ritual events, report to Active Brothers about Initiate Process, enforcing the Anti-Hazing Policy, providing Phi Sigma Pi history (National and Local) to the Initiates during the Initiate Process, and promoting/instilling the Initiates with the ideals of Phi Sigma Pi.

Committee Chairs

Committee Chair Position Holders

Fundraising: Hannah Betz and Taylor Festerman

Service: Jacob Burke and Ivory Hoang

Social/Formal: Sarah DeYoung and Maya Olgac

Scholarship: Carolyn Olsen and Kimberly Campbell

Recruitment: Victoria Aurand

Public Relations: Megan Loll and Katie Hummel

Sergeant at Arms: Gabriel Winston and Jimena Cuadros

Alumni Development: Ashleigh Blair

IM Sports: Austin Bruff

Western Student Association Representative: Danielle Sherman

Brother at Large: Katelyn Tackett

Big/Little Coordinator: Shannaz Salsabilla and Jasmine Stahl

Committee Chair Descriptions

Fundraising: Responsible for planning events to help raise money for the fraternity for any expenditures. (I.e. T-Shirts, Formal, Events)

Service: Responsible for assisting in the planning and facilitation of a minimum of 3 events and activities per semester that aid the Western Michigan University community and surrounding areas. These events are to increase Gamma Rho’s presence on campus as well as serve the local community through volunteering and thereby reflecting the positive values of our tripod.

Social/Formal: Responsible for planning/executing social events for the fraternity. Also responsible for the planning and facilitation of the chapter Formal Dinner/Dance.

Scholarship: Responsible for planning a variety of events that will promote valuable learning experiences. The fraternity seeks to learn things from events led by other brothers and members of our Kalamazoo "CommUniverCity." Committee members will actively brainstorm event ideas and gather supplies for these events as well as making connections with potential "teachers" to increase chapter knowledge.

Recruitment: Responsible for the recruitment of Potential New Members during the recruitment season (usually during the beginning of the fall and spring semesters). Also responsible for organizing and facilitating recruitment events and activities.

Public Relations: Responsible for working with other committee chairs to improve the chapter image and influence both on campus and in the local community by advertising: recruitment, public events, and the success of Brotherhood. Helps to promote Phi Sigma Pi in a positive manner "CommUniverCity" wide.

Sergeant at Arms: Responsible for collecting and documenting all attendances from events and meetings.

Alumni Development: Responsible for connecting to Alumni Members via Facebook and email. Also responsible for making a bimonthly newsletter, Alumni gatherings, and ordering cords and stoles for graduating brothers.

IM Sports: Responsible for organizing and leading intramural teams to play in the intramural leagues at Western Michigan University.

Western Student Association Representative: Responsible for attending weekly meetings for the Western Student Association, and bringing a summary of the meeting to the week Phi Sigma Pi Brother Meeting. Also responsible for representing Phi Sigma Pi at the Western Student Association meetings and voicing and opinions that the chapter unanimously agrees on.

Brother at Large: Responsible for acting as a mediator for any disputes that may arise between Brothers. Also responsible for planning at least one Brother Retreat each year, promoting bonding events, and possibly planning team building events.

Big/Little Coordinator: Responsible for assigning an Active Brother to an Initiate during the Initiate Process. Also responsible for acting as a mediator for any disputes that may arise between a "big" and his/her "little," and planning one Big/Little event per Initiate Process.

Past Chapter Presidents

Initiate Classes

The following is a List of Gamma Rho Chapter Initiate Classes.

Chapter Events & Activities

Founder's Weekend

Alpha celebrates the Chapter's founding...

Other Event or Activity

This event is...

Other Event or Activity

This activity is...

Notable Alumni

  • Name (Chapter year)
Founding Member
  • Name (Chapter year)
DSK year
  • Name (Chapter year)
Office Held (year-year)

Chapter Honors and Awards

National Awards

University Awards

  • year AwardName
  • None to date

Other Awards

  • year AwardName
  • None to date

Further Resources

In the News