Beta Kappa Chapter E-Dub Fresh Family

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The E-Dub Fresh Family is the result of a relocation of Elizabeth Williams (known as E-Dub) from the S-Family in an effort to save the Fresh Family from extinction. While an undergraduate, she attended every regional and national conference; she served as Initiation Committee chair, Historian, Initiate Advisor, and Vice President. While serving as Initiate Advisor, she and former Parliamentarian Roxanne Shelley wrote the Beta Kappa initiate handbook. The creation of this family served to honor her service and dedication to Beta Kappa.

Elizabeth Williams
Roxanne Shelley
Madison Byrd
Travis Tarver
Amber Hackler
Charlene Lyon
Courtney Connelly
Jessica Romine
Mary Klauber
Hannah Medlock
Briana Foust
Anna Bute
Seth Shelton
Brad Durbin
Andrew Williamson
Avery Shawen
Rebecca Welch