DS 2007-08-27

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Agenda for August 27, 2007

  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge
  3. Roll
  4. Minutes
  5. Officer Reports
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • ECA
    • Rush
    • Initiation
    • Historian
    • Parliamentarian
  6. Committee Reports
    • Fundraising
    • Service
    • Social
    • PR
    • Awards and Scholarship
    • Alumni
    • Website
  7. Open floor
  8. Snap cup
  9. Adjourn

Eboard Minutes from August 27, 2007

  1. Lauren needs to become a signer for the office key cards
  2. Kelly will be resigning her position in office but has not submitted a formal letter yet
  3. Tessa is nationally inactive and Kelly R is locally inactive
  4. suggestion for forming a special events committee of 5 brothers, should it be a standing committee?
  5. will probably start office hours in 2-3 weeks
  6. we may need to meet next Tuesday since there is no school Monday
  7. retreat will be Oct 20-21 - we will need to vote on a reimbursement for Lauren G

Minutes from August 27, 2007

Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity
Delta Sigma Chapter Meeting
Monday, August 27, 2007

Meeting is called to order at 8:10 by President Lauren Snella.

  1. Pledge
  2. Roll
  3. Officer Reports
    1. President
      • please turn in emergency contact cards tonight
      • we won the best of the southwest region award at grand chapter
    2. Vice President
      • we are starting a special events committee of 5 people - it will not be a standing committee this semester
    3. Treasurer
      • dues should be turned in by 9/17 - they are $80
    4. Rush
      • we have reserved Chem 142 for 9/17,24,25 for the info nights and info night practice
      • next week we will sign up for rush activities including flyers, buff bulletins, and chalking
      • someone needs to order pizzas for info nights and do table tents - possibly PR chair?
      • Kim and Whitney need to talk to committee chairs about rush events the week of the 24th
    5. Historian
      • can someone take pictures at Taste of Co because Eric can't make it
      • there will be a $25 gift card awarded to the brother who takes the most pictures this semester
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Fundraising
      • Taste of Co is 8/31-9/3 - please sign up for as much as you can - bring whoever you can
      • please complete the online fundraiser surveys and online textbook sales
    2. Social
      • retreat will be oct 20-21 at Snow Mountain Ranch near Winter Park
      • Lauren needs reimbursement for her deposit on the retreat cabin - motion passed
      • dinner at Qdoba on the Hill at 7 on Wednesday
    3. Awards and Scholarship
      • we are setting up an exams folder
      • there is a lunar eclipse tonight
      • there are events all week at the planetarium on campus - details will be posted on the BOW
  5. Open Floor
    1. regionals report from Laura Scoggin - visit the national website, chairs can get ideas for events, we should have more events with Delta Rho, they are trying to set up a chapter at CSU (email regional consultant Brian if you know someone interested)
    2. petitions committee needs to meet quickly after the meeting
  6. Snap Cup
  7. Meeting is adjourned at 8:32 pm by President Lauren Snella.

Respectfully Submitted,
Chelsea DeRonde