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My name is Trevor (44 years old) and my hobbies are Auto audiophilia and Fossil hunting.
Now, I hazard that if you just dipped it in, most of the time you be okay. But it a risk I wouldn want to take. However, to really sterilize something, you have to leave it in much longer than a dip. A finger vibrator is great for just clitoral stimulation, but not this one. This is good for someone who is very sensitive since this isn't very strong at all. It is discreet in that it does look like a normal massager, but in todays day and age massager is a code word for vibrator so it might not work so well.

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cheap vibrators I not sure how common it is. My first partner didn have any hair on the shaft, but also didn have any on his balls and just a small patch above his penis. My current bf has a lot more pubic hair, on his balls and a little bit on the shaft. The bullet measures only 3 1/4" long, so it's a very small toy. It's pretty much about the size of a chapstick tube. It's also a very thin toy, measuring only 2 1/4" in circumference. cheap vibrators

I know being a woman myself, we want to know what we are doing is a good thing. Women hold back because we always been taught not to do such things in the bed with our husbands. So letting her know while your in the midst of things how much you love it, and after she has squirted that its a good thing.

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