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I am 37 years old and my name is Agustin Kerrigan. I life in Basse-Terre (France).
"The biggest mistake is perfectionism. Women are so focused on getting it right all the time," Claire explained.The emphasis women place on perfectionism eats away at another essential workplace skill: risk taking. Claire explained that all too often, women are not willing to take a risk or seize an opportunity unless they feel they can do it perfectly.According to Claire, studies show that women only apply for promotions at work when they feel they have 100% of the qualifications, whereas men will ask even if they feel they only meet 60% of the qualifications."The other thing is the real fear of failure, which is the flip slide of perfectionism," Claire told us.Claire feels that women need to get comfortable with the idea of failing rather than being perfect at every task taken on, as men can often shrug failure off more easily and learn from it..

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