Alumni Ritual

From PhiSigmaPiWiki

How do we celebrate our Brothers transition from Undergraduates to Alumni?

Alumni Ritual

Gamma Sigma Chapter

Our Alumni Ceremony is always professional dress! Last semester the ceremony was moved from a boring classroom to a very elegant room in our Student Union. Of course, the table was set with the usual materials that we use for The Ritual. In order to make this event more unique, we put white lights on the floor. They are either set out in the form of a circle, or in two straight lines (this depends on the structure of the room and the number of graduating seniors). The active Brothers not going through the ceremony stand on the outside of the white lights surrounding the outgoing alumni. The outgoing Alumni stand in the inside the white lights in roll number order, oldest to newest. Once we finish The Alumni Ritual, each outgoing Alumni receives a gift and gives their senior wills. We try to keep the gifts inexpensive, but nice. The senior wills are very important to our Chapter. These wills are the last chance for graduating Brothers to say what they wish for the Chapter. Often they "will" something to other Brothers in the Chapter, such as gifts or Phi Sigma Pi memorabilia.

Alumni Shingles

Delta Alpha Chapter

Delta Alpha creates shingles they pass out to graduating seniors to signify the completion of their undergraduate participation and to celebrate them moving on to becoming Active Alumni.

Alumni Wills

Gamma Chi Chapter

In order to remember the past as well as preserve it, brothers who will become alumni have senior wills that they read at the final meeting to the brotherhood. It brings back some great memories and preserves ones that might be lost if not written down. The Alumni committee then presents a scrapbook of memories to the Alumni with pictures of their time in Phi Sigma Pi.

Resource Guides
Alumni Development · Chapter Awards · Chapter Finance and Fundraising · Inter-Chapter Events and Relations · Membership Development · Public Relations · Risk Management · Scholarship · Service and TFA Programming · Social · Writing National Constitution Amendments
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President · Vice President · Historian · Parliamentarian · Recruitment Advisor · Initiate Advisor · Secretary · Treasurer · General Officer