Disciplinary Actions

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In any situation where a brother violates your chapter’s risk management policy and procedures, the chapter bylaws, National Constitution, or National Operating Policies, the chapter must take disciplinary action. Violations of chapter and fraternity policies (including risk management) must not be overlooked. These violations need to be addressed in a consistent and professional manner by the chapter. If a chapter does not pursue disciplinary actions for violations of national policies, action may be taken by the National Council. This section is designed to aid your chapter in better understanding how to carry out disciplinary procedures in these situations.

National Operating Policies


A judgment involving condemnation; the act of blaming or condemning sternly; an official reprimand. A written reprimand for violation of a specific rule, including the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanction in the event of a violation of Phi Sigma Pi’s National Constitution. Censure does not restrict a chapter’s or member’s privileges in any manner.


A period of trial and testing. This is also a period in which any deficit or violation is to be made good or corrected to avoid more severe action. A chapter who places a member on probation should restrict that member’s privileges accordingly. Additional restrictions may occur depending on the circumstances warranting the probation. The length of probation will last until the chapter/member has proven that the situation calling for probation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the National Council or the chapter, whoever initiated the period of probation.


A temporary period of time during which the chapter/member shall be barred from all the rights and privileges of membership. During this period, the chapter on suspension may meet to remedy the situation, as long as this is not in conflict with university regulations; however, no service, fundraising, social, recruiting or other types of chapter-sponsored activities may be planned or completed. The member on suspension may not participate in any chapter activities. The length of suspension will depend upon the circumstances of the situation. Although temporary, the length of suspension may be indefinite. Probation is not necessarily a prerequisite to suspension. The chapter or member will be notified of the suspension by the Senior Vice President with a certified letter.


The permanent termination of all rights and privileges of membership in Phi Sigma Pi.

Chapter Bylaws, Article IX: Disciplinary Actions of the chapter

Conduct Unbecoming

If a member of your chapter has violated any rule or regulation of the chapter, fraternity, or university or he/she has acted in manner contrary to the image of Phi Sigma Pi, it is common procedure to bring him/her up on the charge of conduct unbecoming a member. Any member can make the motion at the chapter meeting, but many times it is a member who has been affected in some way by what the accused has done. The chapter must vote to recognize that this member has acted in a manner that is conduct unbecoming a member and it must pass by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership (depending on what your chapter bylaws state). If this motion passes, it does not mean the member is automatically expelled, suspended, or on probation, it just recognized that the member has acted in a manner contrary to the fraternity’s image.

Trial Board

Once a member’s behavior has been determined to be unbecoming a brother, a trial board should be formed to investigate the charges against the brother. It is suggested that the trial board consist of eight (8) active members and one (1) officer, all chosen at random. Both the accused and accuser should be granted equal time to present their positions on the matter at hand. The trial board shall investigate the charges and make a recommendation of punishment to the chapter within two (2) regular chapter meetings.

Disciplinary Action Taken

After the trial board has made its recommendation to the chapter, it takes at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership to impeach, suspend, or expel the accused. The punishment of the member may be any of the four disciplinary actions listed in the FGD (censure, probation, suspension, expulsion), or may be an action determined by the trial board to rectify the situation such as having a member put on a workshop on alcohol for the chapter or sober driving four consecutive weekends.

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