National Council Objectives (2010-12)

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Revision as of 06:59, 12 November 2010 by FreshBoy (talk | contribs) (Added VPF Goals)

The following are the objectives established by National Council for 2010-2012.


objective buckets
completed objectives
on agenda for next Council meeting (February 2011)

Brotherhood Development

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 BD Further develop National Council candidate training
2.0 BD Transition and develop Council members within their roles
3.0 BD Better utilize NDC to develop leaders through peer drafted policy
4.0 BD LIA - continue to work with staff on LIA and ensure that our budget reflects adequate long-term funding to grow and develop the program.
VPF / Staff

Risk Management

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 RM Build stronger initiation programs in regard to prevention of hazing and mitigating any risk for prospective members
2.0 RM Budget and Financial Planning - Ensure that the overall budget structure is in support of major initiatives and meeting staff's operational needs.
VPF / Staff
3.0 RM Resource Planning - Working with ED to ensure adequate resource allocation and financial support for anticipated future resource needs.
VPF / Staff
4.0 RM 5-year Plan - Maintain the five-year budget projection as a benchmark for expansion and staffing.
VPF / Staff
5.0 RM Fund Development - Set appropriate long- and short-term fund goals and explore budgeting and donor campaign strategies to achieve those goals.
6.0 RM Foundation Liaison - Act as the primary point of contact for Foundation to ensure that Foundation Board goals and objectives align with National Council's.
7.0 RM HR Manual Review - Review the HR manual to ensure that HR policies are up-to-date and reflect best practices.
8.0 RM Financial Controls - Review the current financial controls and make updates as required to ensure appropriate oversight.
9.0 RM Brother Engagement in Financial Strategy - Explore options to increase Member participation in strategic financial decisions.

Strategic Expansion

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 EX Objective
Council Member/Staff

Resource Development

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 RD Better define the roles of Council and National Staff
2.0 RD Improve accessibility and reach of National Events