National Council Objectives (2010-12)

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Revision as of 09:53, 21 June 2012 by Kwillia (talk | contribs) (Objectives)

The following are the objectives established by National Council for 2010-2012.


objective buckets
completed objectives, ongoing updates may still be necessary
in progress, on agenda for next Council meeting (May/June 2012)

Brotherhood Development is an investment in the personal growth of our members. Objectives in this area are focused on leadership development, community outreach and philanthropic endeavors.

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 BD complete Further develop National Council candidate training
Online Council Training courses began March 2012.
2.0 BD complete Transition and develop Council members within their roles
Individual discussions completed throughout first year of term. Current focus is on helping members achieve their objectives.
3.0 BD in progress Better utilize NDC to develop leaders through peer drafted policy
Invited all NDC Members to work on proposals based on their own interests that would be presented to National Council for discussion and potential adoption.
4.0 BD in progress LIA - continue to work with staff on LIA and ensure that our budget reflects adequate long-term funding to grow and develop the program.
Grant requests have been made to fully fund LiA initiatives for 2011-12 FY
VPF / Staff
5.0 BD in progress Continue to work to with Staff, other National Council Officers, and Chapters to spread the mission of TFA among chapters as well as encouraging other philanthropic ideas.
Dir of Expansion is adding more emphasis of TFA into colony programs.
6.0 BD postponed Work with VPF on possibility of Philanthropy Fund to assist chapters in their philanthropic endeavors. Educational component of this fund will have those chapters receiving funds helping out other chapters by sharing ideas.
This project has been postponed due to scheduling constraints
7.0 BD complete Encourage all Regional Conference service projects to be TFA related to ensure that every chapter has the opportunity to assist with TFA mission.
Five Star Conference Program includes TFA service events in part of the scoring system.
8.0 BD Create materials to better educate current and future Brothers in the role of Chapter Parliamentarian.
Currently cataloguing questions to compile into future materials.
9.0 BD complete Complete review of the 12th Edition of the Scholar's Province
12th Edition is currently being used for the Spring 2012 Initiation Program.
10.0 BD complete Formulate a follow-up program of The Ritual for newly inducted Brothers, and a preparation program for planning and execution of The Ritual.

Proposal approved by Council. Content currently in draft form and will be included in a new printing of the The Ritual book.

11.0 BD complete Complete a review of the National Membership Exam
Added new staff position and corrected several grammatical errors.
12.0 BD complete Increase national requirements of our initiation programs.
Amendment proposed to the 2011 Grand Chapter Conference did not pass. Revised amendment being submitted for 2012 Grand Chapter Conference.
13.0 BD complete Strengthen our Alumni Organizations
Council approved a proposal to the Alumni Expansion plan to further differentiate Alumni Chapters and Associations, increased focus on encouraging Associations to upgrade to Chapters, and promoting greater involvement of Alumni in region conference planning.
14.0 BD in progress Develop Alumni Programming
Alumni Survival Guide launching spring 2012. Looking into increased Alumni programming during National Convention.
15.0 BD Increase and improve Chapter Alumni engagement
16.0 BD postponed Review and revise Chapter Leadership Training Documents.
'This project has been postponed due to scheduling constraints.

17.0 BD complete Strengthen Regional Conference event quality and planning
Updated Region Conference manual as well as approved Five Star Conference Program.
18.0 BD complete Increase overall Regional Conference attendance
Overall attendance for the 2012 Regional Conference season has increased to 1200+ attendees. The largest on record.
18.1 BD complete Increase 2010-11 Regional Conference attendance
X% increase over 2009-10.
18.2 BD in progress Increase 2011-12 Regional Conference attendance VPCD
19.0 BD Strengthen interchapter as well as internal and external regional communication and collaboration

Risk Management focuses on our broad organizational efforts to identify and mitigate or eliminate the various types of risks Phi Sigma Pi encounters. Initiatives in this area are aimed at managing financial and investment risks, adapting to changes in the legal, economic, and regulatory environments in which we operate, and ensuring that Phi Sigma Pi is well-prepared to handle emergency situations such as natural disasters.

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 RM complete Build stronger initiation programs in regard to prevention of hazing and mitigating any risk for prospective members
  • NOP amendment regarding forms 20/21 and 20a/21a, see [1], passed
  • Initiate Program resources complete
  • Make modifications for a print-friendly Form 20/20A to include how an individual can report hazing complete
  • Public website statements providing information about our national stance on hazing and alcohol during Initiation complete
  • Follow-up email to all Initiates confirming our stance on hazing/alcohol and how to report concerns during Initiation
  • Hire a third-party to review our current process and make recommendations complete
1.1 RM complete Create and implement an Amnesty Program for Members/Chapters wishing to report Hazing or other Risk Management Violations.

National Council adopted the Amnesty Program Proposal in September, 2011

2.0 RM on going Budget and Financial Planning - Ensure that the overall budget structure is in support of major initiatives and meeting staff's operational needs.
VPF / Staff
2.1 RM complete 2011-12 Budget and Financial Planning - Ensure that the overall budget structure is in support of major initiatives and meeting staff's operational needs.
Budget for 2011-2012 FY has been passed.
VPF / Staff
3.0 RM Resource Planning - Working with ED to ensure adequate resource allocation and financial support for anticipated future resource needs.
VPF / Staff
4.0 RM on going 5-year Plan - Maintain the five-year budget projection as a benchmark for expansion and staffing.
VPF / Staff
5.0 RM in progress Fund Development - Set appropriate long- and short-term fund goals and explore budgeting and donor campaign strategies to achieve those goals.
Investment Advisory Committee will begin addressing investment needs in Fall 2011.
6.0 RM on going Foundation Liaison - Act as the primary point of contact for Foundation to ensure that Foundation Board goals and objectives align with National Council's.
7.0 RM in progress HR Manual Review - Review the HR manual to ensure that HR policies are up-to-date and reflect best practices.
Draft currently being reviewed by legal counsel.
8.0 RM in progress Financial Controls - Review the current financial controls and make updates as required to ensure appropriate oversight.
New reporting procedures and deadlines are being put in place for 2011-12 FY following procedural roll outs in 2010-11 FY.
9.0 RM complete Brother Engagement in Financial Strategy - Explore options to increase Member participation in strategic financial decisions.
See VPF Proposal for Investment Advisory Committee: Proposal-201012-VPF-02. Passed June 2011.
10.0 RM in progress Review existing policies in place within the realm of Discipline and Sanctions to ensure that they are transparent, uphold the principles of due process, and adequately utilize all the resources available, including the Sanctions Review Board.
Approved updates to NOP. Currently updating policies for information sharing between staff and Council during investigations. Working on transition document to explain National Council decisions.
11.0 RM 'in progress Ensure that adequate planning and contingency plans are in place for employed technology, event planning, and business continuity in the event of catastrophic disaster.
Currently utilizing safety deposit boxes, back up servers, off site resources and duplications.
SVP / Staff
12.0 RM Create and disseminate information and awareness about critical aspects of risk management, including alcohol and drug related, financial, personal safety, and liability issues.

Strategic Expansion encompasses several on-going initiatives to grow Phi Sigma Pi across several functional areas, including expansion of Collegiate Chapters to new campuses, the creation of new Alumni Organizations, and continuing efforts to ensure sustainable recruitment within our existing chapters.

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 EX in progress Chapter Startups 2010-12

Expected start-ups (6-8)

1.1 EX complete Chapter Startups Fall 2010

Expected start-ups (2)
Zeta Zeta and Zeta Eta Chapters were chartered.

1.2 EX complete Chapter Startups Winter/Spring 2011

Expected start-ups (4)
Zeta Iota, Zeta Theta, Zeta Kappa, Zeta Lambda, Beta Lambda (reactivation) were chartered.

1.3 EX complete Chapter Startups Fall 2011

Expected start-ups (4)
Chapters Started: Zeta Xi at Coastal Carolina University, Zeta Omicron at Northwestern University, Zeta Nu at Washington State University and Zeta Mu at University of California, Irvine

1.4 EX in progress Chapter Startups Winter/Spring 2012
Current colonies: Missouri Science and Technology, Iowa State, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Expected start-ups (4)

2.0 EX in progress Make Alumni expansion a priority
Central Florida Alumni Chapter was chartered in summer 2011. GMAC was chartered in fall 2011.
3.0 EX in progress Grow the National Alumni Association
VPAD / Staff
3.1 EX complete Grow the National Alumni Association during 2011
As of June 17, 2011 the NAA has seen an increase of 118 Members over 2010. Currently have at least 366 NAA Members.
VPAD / Staff
3.2 EX Grow the National Alumni Association during 2012 VPAD / Staff

Resource Development defines our goal of helping Chapters and Members engage effectively with the national organization. Within this area of focus are initiatives designed to improve communication tools, facilitate interaction between Members and the National Office, and increasing the accessibility of national events to our membership.

Objective Status Description Assigned to
1.0 RD in progress Better define the roles of Council and National Staff
Several non strategic projects formerly managed by National Council have been handed off to the National Staff. Council projects have been refocused to be more strategic and long term in nature. Most implementation and execution of direction is managed by the National Staff.
2.0 RD in progress Improve accessibility and reach of National Events
Streaming options are being reviewed for 2011 Convention. Successful past projects including video recording and live tweeting portions will continue. Investigating various options to help offset Chapter travel costs.
3.0 RD complete Resolve amendments referred to committee by 2010 Grand Chapter and review and provide guidance for amendments submitted for Grand Chapter 2011
3.1 RD in progress Resolve amendments referred to committee by 2011 Grand Chapter and review and provide guidance for amendments submitted for Grand Chapter 2012
4.0 RD Facilitate discussions on the National Constitution and provide assistance to Brothers with Constitutional Amendments to bring their ideas to fruition.
5.0 RD postponed Collect, organize, tag, and publish local Chapter Bylaws to facilitate example-based guides for Chapters to use to enhance their own bylaws.
This project has been postponed due to scheduling constraints
6.0 RD complete Improve the taking and dissemination of National Council meeting and Grand Chapter minutes.
Completion and approval times for Council meeting minutes have dramatically decreased through collaborative Google Docs.
7.0 RD in progress Revision/Evaluation of Awards, Scholarships, and Emblems Committee Manual and Awards selection process
8.0 RD Develop Technology resource guide.
9.0 RD postponed Continue, improve, and create Communication methods, including inter-chapter communications.
This project has been postponed due to scheduling constraints
10.0 RD complete Evaluation of all Governing and Fraternal documents from an administrative standpoint.
Policy in place to create versioning controls and editorial responsibilities.
12.0 RD complete Create a Phi Sigma Pi Professional Network.

Initial framework passed by Council. Summer 2011 initial roll out.

VPAD / Staff