National Council Proposals

From PhiSigmaPiWiki

The following are proposals submitted by National Council for consideration. Most decisions that are not disciplinary or day to day functions require a member of Council to submit a proposal along with documentation on the reasons for the changes, research supporting the proposal, related costs and any other supporting information.



  • Council Member Name:
  • Council Position—Proposal Number:
  • Meeting Date for Proposal:
  • Objective this proposal falls under:
  • What costs are associated with this proposal? (if none state "none")
  • Additional Pertinent Information: (if none state "none")
  • What is the motion to be made on this?

2012-2014 Proposals

Position Proposal # Proposal link Status
VPMD 01 proposal-20121103-VPMD-01 : Initiate Voting Best Practices. passed
VPCD 01 Proposal-20121103-vpcd-01 : Region Conference Most Traveled Chapter Award in progress
SVP 01 proposal-20130126-SVP-01 : NOP Revisions passed
NP 01 proposal-20130731-NP-01 : NOP Revisions passed
VPPD 01 proposal-20130731-VPPD-01 : Philanthropic Round Tables passed
VPAD 01 proposal-20130816-VPAD-01 : Professional Best Practices in progress
NS 02 Proposal-20130731-NS-02 : NOP Communication Policy passed
NS 03 Proposal-20130731-NS-03 : NOP Forms 20/21/a passed
VPMD 03 20131123-VPMD-02 : Alumni Ritual Preparation in progress
VPCD 03 20131123-VPCD-01 : Round Tables in progress
NP 02 20131201-NP-02 : Round Tables passed
NP 03 20131201-NP-03 : National Council Standards passed
NS 04 Proposal-2014-ns04 : Round Tables passed
VPMD 04 Alumni ritual preparation 2.0 : Alumni Ritual Preparation in progress
VPMD 03 VPMD Roundtables : Round Tables in progress
VPAD 02 20140618-VPAD-02 : Alumni Round Table Discussion in progress
VPAD 03 20140622-VPAD-03 : Alumni Expansion Plan Revisions in progress
VPAD 04 20140622-VPAD-04 : Alumni Chapter Toolkit in progress

2010-2012 Proposals

Position Proposal # Proposal link Status
Staff 01 proposal-201010-staff-01 : National exam proposal passed
VPF 01 Proposal-201010-VPF-01 : Investigation process proposal passed
Pres 01 proposal-201010-pres-01 : NOP form 20/21/a amendment proposal passed
Pres 02 proposal-201010-pres-02 : Initiate education and resources in progress
Staff 02 proposal-201102-staff-01 : Chapter fines reallocation proposal passed
Staff 03 proposal-201102-staff-03 : National Convention Online Registration passed
SVP 01 proposal-201102-svp-01 : NOP Appeal Amendment Proposal deferred
SVP 02 proposal-201102-svp-02 : NRERMP Amendment Proposal passed
VPMD 01 proposal-201102-vpmd-01 : Ritual Follow up Proposal passed
VPAD 01 proposal-201102-vpad-01 : Professional Networks passed
VPCD 01 proposal-20110618-vpcd-01 : Outstanding Regional Conference Award passed
VPCD 02 proposal-20110618-vpcd-02 : Five Star Regional Conference Program passed
VPCD 03 proposal-20110618-vpcd-03 : NOP Regional Conference Attendance passed
VPF 02 proposal-20110618-VPF-02 : Investment Advisory Committee passed
NS 01 Proposal-20110618-NS-01 : Outstanding Alumni Organization award passed
VPMD 02 Proposal-20110618-VPMD-02 : Ritual Preparation Program passed
SVP 03 proposal-20110618-svp-03 : NRERMP Initiate Amendment Proposal deferred
VPCD 04 Proposal-20110803-vpcd-04 : Regional Conference Planning Document Edits passed
VPAD 02 Proposal-20110803-vpad-02 : Alumni Expansion Plan Proposal passed
VPF 03 Proposal-20110901-VPF-03 : Amnesty Program Proposal passed
SVP 04 proposal-20110926-svp-04 : National Operating Policies Amendment Proposal passed
Staff 04 proposal-20111119-staff-04 : Alumni Forms Revise passed
Staff 05 proposal-20111119-staff-05 : Alumni Convention 2012 Location passed
Staff/SVP/Pres 06 proposal-20111119-staff-06 : NRERMP deferred
Pres/SVP 03 proposal-20111119-staff-06v2 : NRERMP passed
VPMD 03 Proposal20120303-VPMD-03 : Initiate Bill of Rights passed
Sec 02 Proposal20120303-Sec-02 : NOP Awards deferred
Staff 07 Proposal-20120303-staff-07 : Quarter School Due Dates passed
Pres 04 proposal-20120630-pres-04 : NOP updates passed
VPCD 05 proposal-20120630-vpcd-04 : "How To Host a Roundtable" Guide. passed
VPCD 06 proposal-20120630-vpcd-05 : "Regional Conference Planning Document" Edits. in progress
VPCD 07 proposal-20120630-vpcd-07 : Five Star Regional Conference" Award and Recognition. passed