
From PhiSigmaPiWiki
  • Council Member Name: Kyle Williams (NDC Members Jessica Iarocci, Tiffany Wood)
  • Council Position—Proposal Number: Vice President of Chapter Development--Proposal 4
  • Meeting Date for Proposal: June 30th, 2012
  • Objective this proposal falls under: Brotherhood Development 17.0
  • What costs are associated with this proposal? None
  • Additional Pertinent Information:

This proposal is to approve the “How to host a Roundtable” Guide which was created by National Development Committee members Tiffany Wood (Gamma Mu) and Jessica Iarocci (Epsilon Nu.) The purpose of the proposed document is to provide additional information on how to host a roundtable at regional conferences and covers the definition of a roundtable, the potential length of a roundtable, how many roundtables should be held, how to facilitate discussions, as well as potential topics, tips, and other relevant information for regional committee delegates. Through the use of this document, regional delegates will gain knowledge of the frequently asked questions of roundtable discussions which will assist in the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge through this event.

It is recommended that this document be made available on the National Website “Brother’s Only” toolbox, the Phi Sigma Pi Wiki as well as to Regional Committee Delegates to ensure its accessibility to the Brothers. This document will be available at all times, but Regional Consultants can encourage the viewing of this document at the Regional Conference Planning Meetings. During the planning of the Regional Conferences, Brothers can access this document to help plan and execute the roundtable discussions.

It is recommended that upon approval, the National Staff be provided the authority to make necessary adjustments to the document to ensure that it is in line with other regional conference related material as well as national initiatives like the Five Star Regional Conference Program.

  • What is the motion made on this:

I move to approve the “How To Host A Roundtable document” for the use of Regional Delegate Committee for the purposes of Regional Conference planning.

  • Appendix

Please see email attachment or the google doc. for the proposal