
From PhiSigmaPiWiki

Council Member Name: Christopher McCoy

Council Position—Proposal Number: NS-04

Meeting Date for Proposal: Review as soon as possible

Objective this proposal falls under: Pride, Professionalism and Respect 5.0 / Dialogue and Collaboration 5.0 / Long-Term Planning and Sustainability 9.0

What costs are associated with this proposal? (if none state "none"): None

Additional Pertinent Information: (if none state "none"): This proposal outlines the establishment for the first roundtable led by the National Secretary.

Topic of Roundtable: This roundtable will be focused on Form 110s. Topics discussed in the roundtable will include an quick overview of why Phi Sigma Pi utilizes the Form 110 system, an overall of the changes to the Form 110 process, and time for participates to share best practices for Form 110 composition and submission.

Method of Delivery:The roundtables will be hosted on the Google+ Hangout platform. The hangouts will be recorded for those unable to join the hangout.

Timeline: The roundtable(s) would be hosted during the week of Jan. 27-31. The roundtable would actually be two roundtables lasting 60 minutes. The first roundtable would be scheduled for 7pm EST for chapters on Eastern and Central time zones. A second roundtable session would be held the same evening at 10pm for chapters in Mountain and Western time zones. This would allow maximum reach of chapters to take part in the roundtable.

The roundtable would be announced to chapters on the week of Jan. 13th. Finalized participates would be notified by Jan. 22nd.

Selection of Participates: The roundtable should have as diverse representation as possible. Each roundtable session will be limited to 8 chapters. Preference will be that each roundtable reserve two spots per session for newly inducted chapters that have been chartered within the past 3 semesters so they can benefit from hearing best practices. It will also be preferred that at least one spot be reserved in each roundtable for a chapter that has been identified as a leading chapter in Form 110 submission.

Roundtable Recording: The recording of the roundtables can be used as a video to be sent to all chapter presidents and secretaries in later semester emails regarding the Form 110 process.

What is the motion to be made on this? I move to establish Spring 2014 National Secretary Form 110 roundtables.