Teach For America Marketing Materials

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Revision as of 13:12, 6 December 2010 by Knb112 (talk | contribs)

How To Use the Teach For America Marketing Portal

  1. Visit http://www.teachforamerica.org/external-marketing-materials/
  2. You’ll come to a page with three folders and a job description word file.
  3. Investigate each folder for materials that go with your current marketing or promotional strategy. Here are some examples:

Deadline Materials

Teach For America’s 4th deadline is fast approaching (December 17th). There are three immediate resources for you to go to:

Soft Copy Flyers

You can print these out and post them on campus (check your campus for advertising rules).

  1. From the link, click on the “Deadline Materials” folder.
  2. Open the “Fliers” folder.
  3. Click “Horizontal” (or vertical, if you prefer. I find the horizontal fliers look best).
  4. You can see that the deadline fliers are in two forms: .pdf and .jpeg. Pick the flyer you like best. Remember, the next deadline is our 4th deadline. In short-hand, we call it “4DL”

Facebook Profile Images

This is, by far, the easiest way to get word the word out about Teach For America deadlines. Simply change your Facebook profile picture to the deadline and tag your friends so the picture shows up in their feeds!

  1. From the link, click on the “Digital Media” folder.
  2. Click on “Facebook Images.”
  3. Click on 4DL (again, 4DL means “fourth deadline.”)
  4. Pick your favorite color and phrase.
  5. Change your profile picture on Facebook.

Career Specific One Pagers

These documents are great because they tie Teach For America to multiple professions. Have a friend who is interested in TFA, but not sure what to do because they want to go to Medical School? We have a document for them!

  1. Click on the “One Pagers” folder.
  2. Click on the “Career-Specific” folder.
  3. Pick the .pdf that works best for you and your chapter. They come both in black and white and color.