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Headwear for women began in earnest during the Middle Ages when the church decreed that their hair must be covered. During the 18th century, milliners took the hat making art out of the home and established the millinery profession. Today, a 'milliner' defines a person associated with the profession of hat making.

costume wigs On January 12, 2012, The CW was preparing a new series centered around the character Green, developed by Andrew Kreisberg, Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim.[48] A week later, the series, now known as, was ordered to pilot, which was directed by David Nutter, who also directed the pilot for Smallville, a series following Clark Kent on his journey to become Superman.[49] At the end of the month, was cast in the titular role of Oliver Queen.[50] When developing the series, producer Marc Guggenheim expressed that the creative team wanted to "chart [their] own course, [their] own destiny", and avoid any direct connections to Smallville, which featured its own Green /Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley), opting to cast a new actor in the role of Oliver Queen.[1] Unlike Smallville, the series does not initially feature super powered heroes and villains. Instead, the team took inspiration from Smallville, as one of the main themes of was to "look at the humanity" of Oliver Queen, as Smallville had done with Clark Kent. The decision not to include superpowers was, in part, based on the executives' desire to take a realistic look at the characters in this universe.[51] Production on the pilot began in March 2012 in Vancouver,[52] which would continue to act as the primary filming location for the series.[1] The series' skyline shots use a combination of footage from Frankfurt, Germany, Center City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Maryland, Back Bay, Boston, and Tokyo, Japan.[53] The series was given a full season pick up on October 22, 2012.[54].costume wigs

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