User:Brain Training For Dogs Review

From PhiSigmaPiWiki

Newly divorced, I specifically chose KC from a litter in Brain Training For Dogs 1995 because she was the most talkative of the mob. Spending every other week without companionship, I figured I could somewhat fill the void by having a feline companion who would let me know what she felt with regularity. As they say, "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it." Not only did she communicate, she did it - shall we say - "with enthusiasm." She had a habit, especially in her later years, of waiting stealthily in the early morning darkness in the kitchen. The first human to enter - keep in mind not yet awake - would be "greeted" with an enormous, howling ululation.

Never sure whether it was "Good Morning, I'm glad you're here," or "What the heck took you so long to fill my bowl?," what I can assure you is that after being welcomed as such by KC, there was no longer a need to use coffee to start your heart.As a kitten, she adamantly refused to drink water inside the house. Oh sure, she'd eat (boy howdy did she eat!), but drinking water, no sirree! We placed bowls strategically throughout the rooms; a guest entering our home for the first time and seeing the water filled containers scattered hither and yon would assume we had the leakiest roof in the neighborhood. It was of no consequence; she refused to drink from them. We cleaned and refreshed them with regularity; didn't make a spot of difference.

When thirst took hold, she would sit patiently by the back door, staring at the knob until we conceded to her wishes. Then, without so much as mew for "thank you," as some form of royalty, she'd sway and saunter on to the deck and lap only from the bowl outside. It was a ritual referred to (at least by the humans in the household) as "Water in the Wild."Although aloof, she was social. Never the type of feline who would sit on your lap, she did like to be "where the action is" and would only sleep in a room where others slept. Since we kept the door to theShe rumbled constantly, purring simply if you looked at her, louder if you touched her. Of course she purred when she ate (how do they do that?), purred when she cleaned, and purred when she drank. She would purr, well, just because she could.