VPMD Roundtables

From PhiSigmaPiWiki

Council Member Name: Natalie Swierzbin

Council Position—Proposal Number: Vice President of Membership Development--04

Meeting Date for Proposal: March 1, 2014

Objective this proposal falls under: Brotherhood Development, Resource Development

What costs are associated with this proposal? None

Additional Pertinent Information:


The purpose of this proposal is to establish a timeline and topics for virtual roundtables related to membership development. These topics include areas related to ceremonies, recruitment and initiation materials, recruitment strategies, and hazing prevention topics.

Topics will include:

  • Best practices for planning and executing ceremonies
  • Challenges related to recruitment
  • National Exam feedback and improvements
  • Communication with initiates—providing appropriate feedback.
  • Initiate voting procedures


Roundtables will be hosted according to the roundtable calendar Google Doc.

Meeting process:

Meetings will be hosted via Google Hangout with a maximum of 8-10 participants. Meetings will be recorded and then posted to the fraternity’s YouTube account so that the information will be available to those not on the call. Meetings will be led by a Council member, and scheduled to last for approximately an hour and a half. Participants for the call will be selected/invited depending on the topic and past roundtable participation.

Meeting Topics:

  • Communicating with initiates—This meeting will discuss how to provide initiates with expectations of the initiation program, and how to provide feedback on the initiates’ performance and voting on initiates.
  • National Exam Feedback—The purpose of this meeting will gather feedback on the National Membership Exam in order to make improvements.
  • Recruitment Challenges—This meeting will focus on some of the challenges Chapters commonly face related to recruitment, such as advertising, reserving rooms, obtaining mailing labels, etc.
  • Ceremony best practices—This meeting will focus on best practices and Chapter specific variations of our ceremonies.

What is the motion to be made on this?

I move to accept this proposal.