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During his time in Barcelona studying aborad, Andy Strassler wrote haikus for each member of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at the University of South Carolina to promote brotherly love and Chater attendence. These were read each Tuesday night by the Chaplain

Craig Stango a cheerful fellow; always willing to listen; ...banana hammock

Craig Wallington A good friend to all; especially meghan's sis; can drink very fast

Meghan Tankersley Life if the Party; She Knows how to crack good jokes; What a dusty butt

Jamie Roe Dont see her often; Sometimes at the Russell House; But what a nice girl

David London Not too bad at Pong; Pretty Fly for a white Guy; But don't taze me bro

Maggie Hoppe Queen of volleyball; Everyone knows she's so cute; Keep smiling Maggie

Jordan Gracien Asset to Phi Sig; Just don't get a yellow card; I got eyes and ears

Eric "E-Rock" Bradford Vice-Presidente; Sister calls you macho man; But you're my best man

Stuart Williams Solid cornerback; Never knew you as a bro; You Missed the strikeouts

Marquise Bias The man for fashion; Very skilled with the condoms; But come party more

Steven Cruise Nice Job Saturday; Smart and bleeds purple and gold; Future President

Kaitlin Lyngass Love her at socials; Had to get to know her first; Now one of my faves

Darby Archbold Mad skillz with rock band; Big heart in such a small frame; More than meets the eye

Kristin Lowery Very strong Woman; Her passion is hard to match; I'll miss you next year...

Rindy Tuttle Volleyball rival; We Shall face off once again; You can't graduate :'-(

Ashley Bradshaw Unique lil redhead; Big things come in small boxes; Soldier dressed as nurse

Kelci Shannon I don't know you well; Next fall we will party hard; I mean party hard

Jenn Gornall Super athletic; Best volleyball serve ever; Always makes me smile

Hayley McLeod Genuine sweetheart; Haven’t seen you in a year; Your old roommate sucked

Catherine Allran A sweet southern girl; But she has a crazy side; What else can I say?

Josh Rickard Crazy with his grades; Closer to Jesus than me; And loves the pussy

Stephen Bianchi A techno lover; First guido initiate; Hope to meet you soon

Heather Cortright Secretly funny; Always listen when she talks; Very sincere friend

Brian Harley As southern as "F"; Has the best pair of khakis; The ones with the Cocks

Allie Gregg A Sweet Little Thing; But also has quite the mouth; "Shut up both a yas"

Farah Kablaoui She’s a blonde brunette; Plays great pong but doesn’t drink; She’s a pharmacist!

Allison Julia I love the new name; I love playing spit with you; And I love New Yawk

Marshall Taylor First great Prez in years; He’ll make a face during this; Marshall you rascal

Kelly Gatling Worth a thousand words; Just the sweetest girl you’ll meet; Double bros, Kelly!

Jessica Vinesse Good with cameras; Also multi-cultural; And quite athletic

Dani Hodes Volleyball Expert; She’s got a lot of inches; But even more heart

Chrysta Bigelow Party animal; But there’s a calmer side too; Very Assertive

Falan Whitehead Remember retreat?; She is such a fun girl to know; And so very strong

Chris Stapleton One of those PIKE guys; A Fun fiesta buddy; Get Them grades up, boy!

Bill Arnt What even to say?; He’s as wise as he is weird; Always with Yuengling

Jamie Summers A Scholarly girl; Has her head on her shoulders; Has a ball with life

Cale Bonner Words won’t even do; Blessed to have been your little; Can’t wait to go camp