Gamma Mu Chapter - Psi Class

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The Psi Class

Spring 2008

Induction Date: Spring 2008

Initiate Advisor: Jenna Sindone




The Psi Class worked together to gather information on Asian countries, which they then presented to the Brothers as their scholarship event before a weekly general meeting.


For their service event, the Psi Class went to the Wooden Rocker. It was there that they visited with some of the seniors living there, and played games with them.


The Psi Class had a 20 years pizza party, in which they ordered pizza, and everyone who attended dressed up like they thought they would look in 20 years.

Big/Little Mixer

The Bigs and Littles both gathered around in the Bovee U.C. for a version of the Newlywed Game. The Bigs and Littles were asked questions about each other, such as favorite foods, where they were from, and their major, among many other questions to see which Big/Little match new each other the best. Traci Shoults and her little Rachel Oliphant blew everyone out of the water and were able to win a gift certificate for the two of them to go see a movie together.


The Psi Class fundraising event was selling t-shirts. The class designed 'CMU Promise' shirts, which was a play off of the "Promise" that CMU made to it's students, and was failing at. The shirt had a checklist on the back that had various items left unchecked, such as guaranteed tuition rates and salted sidewalks. These shirt were sold mainly to the Brothers and members of the Psi class.

Further Resources