Kate McConnell

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Kate McConnell
[[Image:File:Http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs282.snc4/40455 806158100596 5510484 44650292 3015526 n.jpg|150px| ]]
Name Kate McConnell
Chapter Gamma Phi
University of Oklahoma
Date Inducted April 11, 2003
Roll Number ΓΦ 311
Alumni Chapter/Assoc NYMAAC
Honorary Member
Major Drama
Birthdate Ocotber 21, 1983

Kate McConnell (born 21 October 1983) is an Alumni Member of Gamma Phi Chapter(ΓΦ 311) at the University of Oklahoma.

Early Fraternity Life and Career

Kate started at the University of Oklahoma as a Drama major in the Fall of 2002. She rushed Phi Sigma Pi that semester, unaware that 12 credit hours were required to join. But she was given a bid anyway...because no active Gamma Phi brothers knew it either! She made it half way through the initiation process before anyone found out, so her time with the Iota class came to an end with the promise of a bid the following semester.

And so, in the spring of 2003, Kate became a member of the Kappa class.

Collegiate Years at Gamma Phi

The confusion in Kate's rushing experience made her very passionate about making it easier for others. She ran for Rush Advisor, won, and her fate was sealed.

After a year as Rush Advisor, Kate took on the offices of Vice President and Treasurer.

After attending her first W.I.C.K.E.D. in 2004, Kate's activity took on a whole new intensity. She went on to serve as Grand Chapter Alternate and as the Chair of the W.I.C.K.E.D. planning committee in 2006-2007. She's still a bit sad that the Southwest Region is no more.

Alumni Years to Present

Kate officially became an alumna of Gamma Phi on April 22, 2007.

Since graduating, Kate has been doing her best to bring herself and her chapter closer to the rest of the nation. She started with a move to Gainesville, FL where she was adopted by the Gamma Epsilon chapter, and discovered some new favorite things: Campout, GET SLAM'D, and Stubbies. After a year in Florida, she finally followed those theatre dreams of hers to the wonderful land of New York City, where she joined the hijinks of the brothers in NYMAAC and has just begun to further explore the amazing experience of bonding with brothers around the world.

National Involvement

Kate served as Grand Chapter Alternate in 2006.

Bigs and Littles

Kate's Big Brother is Jennifer Snider, who is now an alumna, still residing in the Norman, OK area.

Kate has 4 Little Brothers:

Kate also has one Grandlittle:

Further Resources

  • Find Kate at her official website, kathrynamcconnell.com[1]!

Other Interesting Facts

Kate will be a famous Director one day. Until then, she's (barely) making her living as a Starving Artist.