
From PhiSigmaPiWiki

Talk pages are available on every page in this wiki. You can access them by clicking the discussion link directly above this text. The following are basic guidelines for using a 'talk' page.

  • Make proposals: Suggest potential projects or changes you think need to be implemented.
  • Sign your posts: To sign a post, type four tildes (shift + `)(it is located above the 'tab' key), and they will be replaced with your username and time stamp, like this: Jonah 14:29, 27 February 2007 (EST). Please note that it is impossible to leave an anonymous comment because your user name or IP address is recorded in the page history.
  • Answer a post underneath it: Then the next post will go underneath yours and so on. This makes it easy to see the chronological order of posts. The one at the bottom is the latest.
  • Indent your post: This makes it easy to see that you are a different user to the previous post.
Indent each post by one: The thread starts as above, but each new post (comment) is indented by one extra colon (:), regardless who made the post.
  • Separate multiple points with whitespace: If a single post has several points, it makes it clearer to separate them with a paragraph break (i.e. a blank line).
  • Start new topics at the bottom of the page: If you put a post at the top of the page, it is confusing and can also get easily overlooked. The latest topic should be the one at the bottom of the page.
  • Make a new heading for a new topic:

These suggestions have been borrowed from the Wikipedia Talk page guidelines