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=== Haikus ===
=== Haikus ===
During His time away at study abroad, Andy wrote Haikus for as many brothers as he could.  These were read by the Chapter Chaplain each week:
During his absence from the chapter in the Spring of 2009, Andy wrote [[haikus]] for his fellow brothers.
Craig Stango
a cheerful fellow;
always willing to listen;
...banana hammock
Craig Wallington
A good friend to all;
especially meghan's sis;
can drink very fast
Meghan Tankersley
Life if the Party;
She Knows how to crack good jokes;
What a dusty butt
Jamie Roe
Dont see her often;
Sometimes at the Russell House;
But what a nice girl
David London
Not too bad at Pong;
Pretty Fly for a white Guy;
But don't taze me bro
Maggie Hoppe
Queen of volleyball;
Everyone knows she's so cute;
Keep smiling Maggie
Jordan Gracien
Asset to Phi Sig;
Just don't get a yellow card;
I got eyes and ears
Eric "E-Rock" Bradford
Sister calls you macho man;
But you're my best man
Stuart Williams
Solid cornerback;
Never knew you as a bro;
You Missed the strikeouts
Marquise Bias
The man for fashion;
Very skilled with the condoms;
But come party more
Steven Cruise
Nice Job Saturday;
Smart and bleeds purple and gold;
Future President
Kaitlin Lyngass
Love her at socials;
Had to get to know her first;
Now one of my faves
Darby Archbold
Mad skillz with rock band;
Big heart in such a small frame;
More than meets the eye
Kristin Lowery
Very strong Woman;
Her passion is hard to match;
I'll miss you next year...
Rindy Tuttle
Volleyball rival;
We Shall face off once again;
You can't graduate :'-(
Ashley Bradshaw
Unique lil redhead;
Big things come in small boxes;
Soldier dressed as nurse
Kelci Shannon
I don't know you well;
Next fall we will party hard;
I mean party hard
Jenn Gornall
Super athletic;
Best volleyball serve ever;
Always makes me smile
Hayley McLeod
Genuine sweetheart;
Haven’t seen you in a year;
Your old roommate sucked
Catherine Allran
A sweet southern girl;
But she has a crazy side;
What else can I say?
Josh Rickard
Crazy with his grades;
Closer to Jesus than me;
And loves the pussy
Stephen Bianchi
A techno lover;
First guido initiate;
Hope to meet you soon
Heather Cortright
Secretly funny;
Always listen when she talks;
Very sincere friend
Brian Harley
As southern as "F";
Has the best pair of khakis;
The ones with the Cocks
Allie Gregg
A Sweet Little Thing;
But also has quite the mouth;
"Shut up both a yas"
Farah Kablaoui
She’s a blonde brunette;
Plays great pong but doesn’t drink;
She’s a pharmacist!
Allison Julia
I love the new name;
I love playing spit with you;
And I love New Yawk
Marshall Taylor
First great Prez in years;
He’ll make a face during this;
Marshall you rascal
Kelly Gatling
Worth a thousand words;
Just the sweetest girl you’ll meet;
Double bros, Kelly!
Jessica Vinesse
Good with cameras;
Also multi-cultural;
And quite athletic
Dani Hodes
Volleyball Expert;
She’s got a lot of inches;
But even more heart
Chrysta Bigelow
Party animal;
But there’s a calmer side too;
Very Assertive
Falan Whitehead
Remember retreat?;
She is such a fun girl to know;
And so very strong
Chris Stapleton
One of those PIKE guys;
A Fun fiesta buddy;
Get Them grades up, boy!
Bill Arnt
What even to say?;
He’s as wise as he is weird;
Always with Yuengling
Jamie Summers
A Scholarly girl;
Has her head on her shoulders;
Has a ball with life
Cale Bonner
Words won’t even do;
Blessed to have been your little;
Can’t wait to go camp
=== Family Tree ===
=== Family Tree ===

Revision as of 08:29, 5 August 2009

Andy Strassler
Name Andy Strassler
Chapter Alpha Upsilon
Date Inducted April 30, 2007
Roll Number ΑΥ 525
Alumni Chapter/Assoc
Honorary Member
Major Accounting & Finance
Birthdate August 21, 1988
Spouse (single)
Awards Rookie of the Year- Spring 2007, Best Initiate- Spring 2007, Mr. Phi Sigma Pi- Spring 2008, Scholarship Award- Fall 2008, Mr. Phi Sima Pi-Spring 2009

Andy Strassler (born 21 August 1988) is an Active Member of Alpha Upsilon Chapter (ΑΥ 525) at the University of South Carolina.

Early Fraternity Life and Career

Andy Strassler decided to attend the University of South Carolina... blah, blah, blah... joined Phi Sigma Pi... blah, blah, blah...

Collegiate Years at Alpha Upsilon Chapter

USC football game; Andy - fourth from right

Andy's first leadership role was in the spring of 2008 when he replaced Tia Milligan as the Sports Liazon. During the same semester, he filled in as Chaplain to replace Justin Cooper. In the fall of 2008, Andy picked up the role of Scholarship Chair. He had to relinquish both Scholarship Chair and Sports Liazon Duties to Jamie Summers and Jordan Gracien, respectively, while he studied abroad in Barcelona during the Spring 2009 semester.


Intramural Sports

2007 fall football champs; Andy - bottom row, right side

Andy's class, Alpha Upsilon, was the beginning of a new trend of athletes coming through the ranks. The impact produced results, with Phi Sigma Pi being recognized as the Flag Football Recreational champs in the fall of 2007. Andy anchored the offense at center, providing key blocks, emergency out-routes, and most importantly recruiting members to the championship team. What would seem like a glorious moment for Phi Sigma Pi athletics was bittersweet, as Tia Milligan, aka "Sensei" would be stepping down as Sports Liazon. Andy took over the following semester, and with the help of the athletic initiate class, Alpha Iota, Phi Sigma Pi captured the Recreational Crown in the spirng of 2008. Efforts for the fall seemed dim at first, as Andy lead the football and soccer team as far as he could before lack of participation forced early endings. However, thanks to the promotion of volleyball by Steven Cruise and the near-professional skills of Maggie Hoppe, the chapter marched through the recreational playoffs and sealed a victory over the Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity in the Championship. With Phi Sigma Pi Athletics having returned to glory after 3 consectutive semesters being named champions, Andy then handed over the reigns to current Sports Liazon, Jordan Gracien

National Involvement

  • Has traveled the the University of Florida for the 2008 football game vs. USC
  • Hosted several LSU brothers during the weekend of the LSU vs. USC football game
  • Ready and Willing to host brothers for the 2009-2010 academic year

Bigs and Littles

Spring 08 Pinning Dinner; From Back to front: Rob, Steven Cruise, Marshall Taylor, Cale Bonner, Andy Strassler, Elizabeth Good

Andy Strassler's Big Brother is Cale Bonner, who is now an alumnus and current Alumni Advisor.

Andy Strassler has 2 Little Brothers:


Further Resources

Other Interesting Facts

Feel free to add headings and sub-headings as you see fit. We want to know everything about you that you want to tell us.


During his absence from the chapter in the Spring of 2009, Andy wrote haikus for his fellow brothers.

Family Tree

Cook Family
Julie Cook (?)
Rachel Levinson (?)
Alex Kronsteiner (?) Emily McDonald (AA)
Libby Krah (AΓ) Leah Griffen (AB)
Maggie Hoppe (AI) Dee Milton (AI) Cale Bonner (AΓ) Adena Leibman (AΔ)
Kacy Cox (AΛ) Albert Blume (AΛ) Jason Rice (AΕ) Andy Strassler (AΗ) Steven Cruise (AI) Ashley Bradshaw (AΕ)
Elizabeth Good (AI) Audrey Waggoner (AI) Stephen Bianchi (AΛ) Lexie Selzer (AΗ)
Hayley McLeod (AI) Darby Archbold (AI)
Megan Fleck (AΛ)