Zeta Iota Operating Policy

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Operating Policy for Zeta Iota Chapter was adopted on October 20, 2013. It was last updated in April 2014.

I. Purpose

A. This document will serve as the basis and official guidebook for the policies of the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi. Within this living document, the expectations of all Members inducted throughout the course of their undergraduate career are listed. The aforementioned Members are expected to read, understand and abide by this document as well as the Zeta Iota Chapter Bylaws, Phi Sigma Pi National Constitution and the Phi Sigma Pi National Operating Policy. Whenever a Member has a concern regarding the rules and responsibilities associated with being a Member, they are advised to consult this document.
B. The Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy, as a supplement to the Zeta Iota Chapter Bylaws, are intended to represent the agreed methods of conducting the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi.
C. It is recognized that opinion within the Chapter may change with time. Those policies, which are most subject to change, should be included within this document.
D. To amend this document, a majority vote of Active Members present with quorum, must be acquired.
E. A weeks notice to any change must be given in order for a majority vote to count.
I. If a weeks notice is not given and an amendment is voted on, ¾ of the Active Members must vote to pass the amendment.
F. Polices affecting the core principles of the Chapter or that intend to be unchanging over the course of time should be considered for inclusion of the Chapter Bylaws, which holds precedent over this document.
G. All predated versions titled the Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy shall be considered nullified upon further amendment by the Chapter.

II. Communication

A. The Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi shall maintain Communication with its Collegiate and Alumni Members by keeping a directory of all relevant contact information of each Member for distribution to the Chapter each term.
B. It shall be the responsibility of each Member to ensure that his or her most recent contact information is given to the Chapter President or Secretary for inclusion in this directory.
C. Announcements of meeting times and locations of urgent or emergent situations will be distributed based on this directory.
D. Failure to maintain updated information shall not constitute a valid excuse for any missed meetings or events.
E. All communication must be conveyed in at least e-mail form. Any other means (FaceBook, text messaging, Twitter, etcetera) does not constitute as formal communication.
I. This counts for Chapter meetings, committee events, committee meetings and mandatory events.

III. Membership Policies

Active Collegiate Members

i. Responsibilities expected of a Member who wishes to remain an Active Collegiate member are outlined in the Zeta Iota Chapter Bylaws Article III, Section IV.
ii. Active Collegiate Members are expected to be in attendance at every Chapter Meetings.
iii. Unless an excuse has been submitted prior to the Chapter Meeting, members are expected to be no more than fifteen (15) late without being marked absent.
iv. Any member delinquent in paying dues, as prescribed in Article III, Section 4, Item D of the Zeta Iota Chapter Bylaws, shall be subject to a five dollar ($5.00) fine per day for the first two weeks.
v. If an Active Collegiate Member is delinquent in paying dues after two (2) weeks time, it becomes conduct unbecoming of a Member of Phi Sigma Pi and the member is brought up for expulsion at the following Chapter Meeting.
vi. In the event that the Zeta Iota Chapter is fined for late/non-payment of National Dues, any Member(s) responsible for the delinquency will be required to pay the associated fine.
vii. If a Member is unable to complete the requirements as outlined in Article VII, Section A, they may they may be subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article VII, Section B. Disciplinary Actions are outlined in Article VII, Section B.
1. If a Member fails requirements, he or she must complete the disciplinary alternative associated with those requirements. If the Member fails the event requirement and the alternative, they will be put on probation as outlined in Article VII, Section E.
viii. If a Brother at any point violates the policies outlined in this document it could be classified as not completing their Active Brother duties, which could be ground for probation or expulsion.

B. Inactive Collegiate Members

i. A Member may request to be Nationally Inactive for an academic semester if they meet the terms defined by the Phi Sigma Pi National Constitution.
ii. A Member may request to be Locally Inactive for an academic semester upon reasons such as:
1. An excessive academic schedule
2. Family emergency
3. Other situations beyond the Member’s control
iii. While inactive, the Collegiate Member relinquishes all voting rights.
iv. Collegiate members will not be granted local inactivity two semesters in a row.
v. Nationally Inactive Collegiate Members may not attend any Phi Sigma Pi related functions.
vi. Locally Inactive Collegiate Members may attend Phi Sigma Pi related functions.

C. Initiate Members

i. Initiate Members shall not maintain Initiate status for more than one (1) academic semester.
ii. All new Member information forms, Induction fees and dues must be sent to National Headquarters by the dates designated by the Initiate Advisor.
iii. Initiate Members only have voting rights within the confines of their own initiate class during the Initiation Process, which is overseen and run by the Initiate Advisor.
iv. In the event the Chapter feels the need to allow the Initiate Members to vote, a motion may be made to include them in discussion and voting.
1. An example of this would be picking a Chapter meeting time for the preceding semester.

D. Alumni Members

i. Alumni membership is automatically bestowed on any Active Collegiate Member or Inactive Collegiate Member in good standing that graduates or leaves from Saint Joseph's University.
ii. Items that put a Brother or alumnus not in good standing with the Chapter include but is not limited to:
1. Owing the Chapter money.
2. Late with official forms and/or reports.
3. Subject of any disciplinary action.

E. Transferred Members

i. The Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi shall consider a transfer candidate if:
1. The candidate has successfully transferred as a Saint Joseph's University student.
2. The candidate is an official member of Phi Sigma Pi.
3. The candidate expresses interest in the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi.
i. The Executive Board shall examine how much interest is being expressed. Any contact with the Recruitment or Initiate Advisor is strongly encouraged.
4. The candidate left his or her prior Chapter and institution in good standing and continues to be in good standing at Saint Joseph's University.
5. The candidate is voted in by the Active Collegiate Members of the Zeta Iota Chapter with a two-thirds majority vote.
6. Upon the Chapter vote, the Member shall sign the Zeta Iota Chapter roll book, and is then an official Member of the Zeta Iota Chapter and subject to all the same regulations and requirements attributed to Active Collegiate Members.

IV. Academic Term Calendars

A. Before the end of each semester, the Vice-President will establish the Academic Term Calendar for the following semester.
B. This calendar shall include:
i. The five (5) Mandatory Events (outlined in Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy Article VII, Section A, Item VI). This excludes the Consultant Visit Wrap-Up.
ii. The week of Information Sessions for Recruitment
iii. The week of Rush Events for Recruitment
iv. Initiate Meetings
v. All Scheduled Chapter Meetings
vi. All deadlines mandated by the National Office.
C. Committee Chairs will work with their committee to plan a series of events to fulfill the ideals of Phi Sigma Pi by promoting their respective field, in accordance with this calendar.
D. The Webmaster should keep an online calendar and this calendar shall be accessible to the Chapter.

V. National/Inter-Chapter Delegates

A. A National Delegate (Grand Chapter Delegate) shall be voted on by the Chapter and reported to the National Office no later than two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled Grand Chapter Meeting.

VI. Policy for Committee Events

A. Definition of a Chapter Event

i. An event is defined as Chapter Members gathering together in attendance for a certain purpose.
ii. This purpose must fall under one of the following:
1. Alumni
2. Fundraising
3. Inter-Chapter Relations
4. Public Relations
5. Scholarship
6. Service
7. Social
8. Special Events
9. Recruitment
10. Risk Management
iii. Any event must be cleared by the Chapter in the form of a Plan of Action Form.

B. Policy for Holding Events

i. Plan of Action forms, either filled out by the committee chair or a designated committee member, must be submitted to the Vice-President and passed by the Chapter with the discretion of the Vice-President within one (1) week before the event.
ii. The event must be open to both genders and all members must be able to physically participate.
iii. Attendance must be taken at these events by the committee chair or a designated committee member.
iv. An attendance form must be submitted to secretary.psp.sju@gmail.com.
v. In the case the event was paid for or subsidized by the Chapter and the Member does not attend, he or she will be held responsible for any costs associated with that event if they cannot find a replacement (who must be a Member) to attend.

C. Events Per Semester

i. Each semester, the Fundraising, Scholarship, Service, and Social Committees must have at lease three (3) individually planned events.
ii. A collaboration event is encouraged and may count toward a Brother’s requirements, but not the Chair’s three (3) planned events requirement.

VII. Attendance Requirements

A. Active Collegiate Member Requirements

i.Attendance Requirements

1. Chapter Meetings

i. Members must attend all regularly scheduled Chapter meetings each semester.
ii. Members will receive three (3) excused absences specifically for Chapter Meetings each semester. Their excuses must be submitted to the official form located on the Executive Board website under the secretary page (http://zetaiotaexecboard.weebly.com/absentee-forms.html) at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
iii. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration if an excuse is submitted less than twenty-four (24) before the meeting begins.
iv. Member may not miss more than two (2) Chapter meetings in a row unless in the case of an extenuating circumstances.
v. If an absence is unexcused, the absence will count as two excused absences.
vi. A Chapter meeting will run as long as necessary to complete agenda items, topics and relevant discussion. In order to receive credit for being present at a Chapter meeting, excluding extenuating circumstances, Brothers must stay for the duration of 90 minutes. If a Brother must leave before the 90 minute mark they must submit an absence form to the Secretary 24 hours in advance, and approval of excuse will be left to the discretion of the Executive Board.

2. Committee Meetings

i. An Active Collegiate Member must serve on at least one (1) standing committee each semester.
ii. Committees are expected to meet bi-weekly. These meetings do not have to be in person and can happens through means of phone conversation, Google Hangouts, or any method cleared by the Vice-President.
iii. Members are allowed to miss two (2) meetings as long an excuse is submitted to the committee chair at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance for an extenuating circumstance.

3. Committee Events

i. Each semester, Members must fulfill the following requirements by attending:
a. 2 Fundraising Events
b. 1 Risk Management Event
c. 1 Scholarship Event
d. 1 Service Event
e. 1 Social Event
f. 2 Events of the Brothers Choice
1. This includes any of the above events, Alumni/ICR events, Public Relation events, and Historian events.
2. Special Events (Date Night/Formal) do not count for this requirement.

4.Recruitment Events

i. Members must attend four (4) of the Recruitment/Rush events.
a. These events must either be two (2) Information Sessions and two (2) Rush events, or one (1) Information Session and three (3) Rush events.
b. The weeks of these dates will be given in advanced in accordance with the Academic Term Calendar.

5. Initiation Events

i. Members must attend two (2) initiate meetings each semester.
ii. Members must attend two (2) initiate events each semester.

6. Mandatory Events

i. Members must attend the following mandatory events:
a. Bid Voting
b. Pinning Ceremony
c. Mid-Semester Voting
d. Final Initiate Voting
e. Induction Ceremony
f. Consultant Visit Wrap-Up

B. Disciplinary Actions

i. Chapter Meetings

1. Missing more than three (3) Chapter Meetings will result in:
i. First Offense: Private meeting with the Chapter President, Vice-President, and Secretary
ii. Second Offense: Probation
iii. Third Offense: Grounds for expulsion

ii. Committee Meetings

1. Failure to meet Committee meetings requirements will result in:
i. First Offense: Private meeting with the Chapter Vice-President and Committee Chair
ii. Second Offense: Probation
iii. Third Offense: Motion for Expulsion

iii. Committee Events

1. Failure to meet committee event requirements will result in probation for the following semester.
2. The terms of this probation will be derived from whichever events were missed in the previous semester.

iv. Recruitment Events

1. Failure to meet Recruitment requirements will result in:

i. Not eligible to become a Big

ii. Must attend one (1) extra Initiate event

a. These are made up initiate meetings and initiate planned events.

v. Initiation Events

1. Failure to meet Initiation requirements will result in:

i. Must attend one (1) extra Rush event the following semester.

vi. Mandatory Events

1. Failure to meet mandatory event requirements will result in:

i. One (1) Offense: Must attend two (2) extra committee events.

a. If time permits, this may be done in the semester the violation occurs.

b. If the Member is unable to complete this within the semester of the violation, it must be completed the following semester.

c. Both events must be completed in one (1) semester.

ii. Two (2) Offenses: Probation

iii. Three (3) or More Offenses: Automatic motion for expulsion.

vii. The above events must be completed before the last Chapter meeting in the semester in which the events take place.

viii. Members who have chronic attendance issues will be subject to a motion for expulsion called for by a member of the Executive Board.

C. Absences

i. Absences shall include missing any one of the following:

1. Chapter Meetings

2. Committee Meetings

3. Mandatory Events

ii. If a Member is expecting an absence, he or she must notify the Executive Board (via the form at http://zetaiotaexecboard.weebly.com/absentee-forms.html) or committee chair(s) at least twenty-four (24) hours before the beginning of the event. This excludes illness, emergencies of any capacity or any other unforeseen circumstances.

D. Excuses

i. Excuses shall be sent and subject to the review of the Executive Board.

ii. In order for the Executive Board to find the excuse valid, a majority vote of the Executive Board, meeting quorum, must pass the excuse.

VIII. Appeals Process

A. A Member may appeal any decision made by the Executive Board concerning their own excuses or disciplinary action by notifying the Executive Board within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the decision.


The appeal must be received via writing (preferably e-mail to secretary.psp.sju@gmail.com).


In order for the appeal to be accepted, it must be voted on by majority, having quorum met, of the Executive Board. 

D. The Member will be notified if the appeal was accepted or denied.

E. If a Member wishes, they may also schedule a meeting with the Executive Board to explain the validity of the appeal.

F. In the case of probation, the Executive Board must notify the Member, allowing them to have an option to explain their case to the Executive Board. This process will follow the Appeals Process.

IX. Elections

A. Elections for officer positions shall be held during the fall term of each year.

B. There must be a four (4) week transition period between elected positions.

C. These positions include:

i. Chapter President

ii. Chapter Vice-President

iii. Chapter Secretary

iv. Chapter Treasurer

v. Chapter Parliamentarian

vi. Chapter Recruitment Advisor

vii. Chapter Initiate Advisor

viii. Chapter Historian

ix. Alumni/Inter-Chapter Relations Chair

x. Fundraising Committee Chair

xi. Public Relations Committee Chair

xii. Scholarship Committee Chair

xiii. Service Committee Chair

xiv. Social Committee Chair

xv. Special Events/Risk Management Committee Chair

xvi. Brother-at-Large

xvii. The position of an Alumni Advisor is also elected if felt needed by the Chapter.

D. Once nominations open, they will remain open for one (1) week before the election.

E. After the close of nominations, Members running for positions shall be given time to address the Chapter and answer questions prior to voting.

F. Members who wish to run for office for the following semester must do the following:

i. Be an Active Collegiate Member during the term.

ii. Be in good standing with the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi.

iii. Formally express interest by:

1. Accepting a nomination verbally, at a Chapter Meeting or via writing

2. Nominate him or herself at a Chapter Meeting or via writing

iv. During the Chapter Meeting in which the voting takes place, the candidate must prepare a speech and answer questions any Members may have. This entire process may go no longer than five (5) minutes.

v. If a nominated Member wishes to run, but cannot attend elections, the candidate may appoint someone to speak on their behalf from a prepared speech that goes no longer than five (5) minutes.

vi. Members running for office and not present at elections formally forfeits the opportunity to field questions from the Chapter.

G. If a Member is inactive, they are still eligible to run for an office position provided:

i. They were in good standing with the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi previous to going Inactive

ii. They resume status as an Active Member no later than the start of their elected term

iii. They complete the items outlined in Article IX, Section F of the Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy.

H. Once Members present their speeches and answer questions from the Chapter, voting shall be done via ballot.

I. The election shall be determined by a majority vote of Active Members present at a meeting with quorum.

i. If there are more than two candidates running and none receive a clear majority, a run-off shall be held between the candidates with the two greatest number of votes, again by ballot

X. Dress Code

A. Dress Code for Pinning/Induction Ceremonies

i. The Dress Code for the Pinning and Induction Ceremonies is business casual.

ii. Failure to follow the dress will result in denial of entry into the event and the event will count as absence for the respected Member.

B. Membership Pins

i. Each Member shall receive an official Phi Sigma Pi membership pin upon completion of his or her first full term of his or her initiation period.

ii. In accordance with the National Policy, the Zeta Iota Chapter mandates that the pin should be worn only on the outermost garment.

iii. This pin should only be worn while a Member is presentable and prepared to represent the fraternity.

iv. Any item of clothing that could compromise (stained, soiled, offensive, controversial, etcetera) the standards of Phi Sigma Pi or the Zeta Iota Chapter cannot be worn with the pin.

v. This pin shall not be worn in the presence of individuals who are consuming alcohol, whether they are a Member or not.

XI. Policy for Resignation

A. At any time, a member in good standing may submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Board.

B. Upon submission, the Chapter and its active members will review the letter.

C. The Chapter will then vote on whether the resignation shall be accepted. A simple majority must be met for the resignation to pass.

D. Any member who resigns can not:

i. Be considered an Active Collegiate Member

ii. Gain alumnus status

iii. Wear cords at graduation

iv. Wear his or her pin

v. Wear his or her letters

E. A member on probationary status cannot resign until the terms of probation are fulfilled or the probation is lifted by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter (as outlined in Article VII, Section E of the Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy).

XII. The Rush and Initiation Program

A. To be considered for membership in the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi, the potential member must meet the guidelines outlined in the National Constitution and Zeta Iota Chapter Bylaws.

B. Potential new members do not have any voting rights for the general chapter.

C. Initiates must attend a specific number of events as defined in the Zeta Iota Bylaws and National Constitution.

D. If at any time an initiate wishes to resign from the initiation process, they may do so and receive a full refund as long as the resignation takes place before induction.

E. Voting on new initiates occurs during Bid Voting

F. The Bid Voting Process must go as follows:

i. A motion for consideration must be passed for each individual who submitted an application.

1. This motion must be made upon a presentation of the applicant to the Chapter.

ii. Each voting member shall compile a list of desired prospective members totaling no more than the class size approved by the Chapter on Article Xi, Section E, ii.

1. The individuals on each list will receive one point toward acceptance into an initiation program.

iii. A motion must be made to limit the amount of potential new members.

1. This motion must be accepted by a majority Active Collegiate Members having met quorum.

iv. The determined amount of applicants, or less, whose points meet a majority of Active Members having met quorum, will be presented to the Chapter as the new initiate prospects.

1. This vote shall be counted strictly by the Recruitment Advisor and two other members of the Executive Board.

2. In the event that more candidates than the voted on number meet majority, a motion will be made to accept all of the candidates or to have a run-off amongst the candidates.

3. In the event that the more candidates receive majority than the approved class size, a motion will be made to accept both/all of the candidates with the lowest majority or to have a run-off amongst the candidates.

4. No numerical results shall be shown to the Chapter or made public. Results must be randomized, with only the candidate’s names shown.

v. After the results are tabulated, the Chapter shall be presented with the list of potential members who received a majority vote, meeting quorum.

vi. A final motion must be made to accept the voted on applicants into an initiation program. (Article XII, Section E, Item ii).

1. This must be done via a ballot with a “yes” or “no” answer.

G. Once initiates are chosen, they will be assigned a Big Brother.

H. In order for a Brother to receive a little, the Brother must:

i. Be in good standing with the Zeta Iota Chapter and National Fraternity.

ii. submit the Big Brother application to the Initiate Advisor before the announced deadline chosen by the Initiate Advisor.

I. The Initiate Advisor will review all the applications and determines who will receive a little.

J. Upon being accepted as a Big Brother, the Brother must:

i. Guide their little during their Initiation term and make sure they are following all proper procedures

ii. Meet with his/her little at least once a week during initiation period.

1. The Initiate Advisor must implement some form of check-in to make sure the process is going smoothly.

iii. Make sure they send study guides to their little three (3) days in advance of quizzes and the National Exam.

K. Failure to comply with any of the rules outlined in Article XII, Sections F and G of the Zeta Iota Chapter Operating Policy may result in the Initiate Advisor revoking the privilege of being a Big Brother and bestow it onto another Brother.

L. Once candidates become initiates, a mid-semester voting event will be held to assess each initiate’s progress at a middle point. It shall go as follows:

i. A motion must be made by a Brother to have each initiate either continue in the initiation program or lose eligibility to be inducted that semester.

ii. The Initiate Advisor shall provide a status report about each initiate’s progress in the initiation program (such as quiz grades and attendance).

iii. Voting will be done informally by a hand-raise vote.

iv. In order for the Initiate to pass, a majority vote must be met having met quorum by means of a hand-raise vote.

v. If rejected from the program, an initiate must be given the opportunity to address the Chapter’s concerns before official removal from the program unless the individual completes an action that warrants immediate removal from the program is completed.

M. Upon completion of the National Exam but no later than one (1) week prior to the Induction Ceremony, the Chapter shall have a final vote deciding to induct the initiates. It shall go as follows:

i. The Initiate Advisor will present each initiate individually to the Chapter, highlighting his or her progress in the initiation program.

ii. Any initiate who does not pass final voting by majority of Active Collegiate Members, having met quorum, will automatically be removed from the Initiation Program.

XIII. Senior Awards

A. At the end of each academic year four awards will be given to four seniors graduating at the end of the spring semester. These awards are:

i. Philia Award

1. Given to the Brother who best embodied fellowship

ii. Padia Award

1. Given to the Brother who best embodied leadership

iii. Sophia Award

1. Given to the Brother who best embodied scholarship

iv. Sally Siebert Award

1. Given to the Brother who best embodied the complete tripod during their time as an active brother in the Zeta Iota Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi.

B. The Chapter will decide who the recipients of these awards shall be in the following manner

i. A list of all seniors will be presented to the Brotherhood and Brothers will vote for one senior for each award

ii. The senior with the most votes for each award will receive that award

iii. In the case of a tie it is up to the Executive Board to vote by ballot. This will be chaired by the Historian.

iv. In the case of a senior receiving the most votes for two or more different awards, whichever award they have the most votes for they will win, and the senior with the second highest votes for the other award will win that.

v. Votes will be counted by the Historian

XIV. Chapter Service Key

A. The Chapter shall award a Chapter Service Key to an Active Brother or Alumni who has rendered particularly meritorious service to the Zeta Iota Chapter and who has demonstrated the highest qualities exemplified by Phi Sigma Pi.

B. A Chapter Service Key does not have to be bestowed every year. By this means, the Chapter is charged with honoring only the most deserving.

C. Nominations for those deserving of a Chapter Service Key shall be taken by the President no less than three weeks prior to the awards ceremony in which the Service Key shall be awarded. Nominations shall be made and seconded only by an Active Member.

D. Nominees will not make a speech and shall not be present during discussion on each individual nominee.

E. Voting shall be by secret ballot and shall take place at Chapter no less than two (2) weeks prior to the awards ceremony. A Chapter Service Key shall be awarded by at least a three-fourths majority vote of the Active Members present.

F. The voting results shall remain confidential among the President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, and Historian until the awards ceremony, unless one of them is included the nominees.

G. Any Chapter Service Key awarded shall be purchased by appropriations from the Chapter funds. The Treasurer shall place the order through the National jeweler no less than two (2) weeks prior to the awards ceremony.

H. Recipients of the Chapter Service Key will be automatically nominated for the National Distinguished Service Key