National Constitution Article XIV

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Revision as of 09:09, 10 August 2011 by Jonah (talk | contribs) (added note)

Note: This does not yet reflect the amendments made during the 2011 Grand Chapter Confernce.

Article Summary: Article XIV of the National Constitution defines the National Council Standing Committees, their composition, and their duties and responsibilities.


Section 1: Composition

The Standing Committees of the National Council shall be: Awards, Scholarship, & Emblem Committee; Personnel Committee; Constitution & Chapter Standards Committee; and National Development Committee.

Section 2: Appointment

All committee membership shall be appointed by the National President, except as otherwise stated in the National Constitution, and shall consist of a minimum of three (3) Members.

Section 3: Awards, Scholarship, and Emblem Committee

The Awards, Scholarship, & Emblem Committee shall be chaired by the National Secretary. The other committee members shall include one (1) other National Officer and at least one (1) member of the National Staff. The committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Chapters' scores for the National Awards, recommending recipients of Distinguished Service Keys to the National Council, recommending candidates for National Honorary Membership status, and determining the recipients of the National Scholarship(s). The committee shall also be responsible for making recommendations to the Grand Chapter when changes are deemed necessary to the emblems, jewelry, insignia, and official songs of Phi Sigma Pi.

Section 4: Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee shall have as members the National Vice President of Finance, the National President, at least one (1) other National Officer, and designated National Staff Member(s). The committee shall be responsible for all issues concerning the hiring and reviewing of Phi Sigma Pi employees.

Section 5: Constitution and Chapter Standards Committee

The Constitution & Chapter Standards Committee shall be chaired by the National Senior Vice President. The other committee members shall include one (1) other National Officer and at least one (1) member in good standing with current Active Membership status with a Collegiate Chapter. The committee shall be responsible to investigate and consider improvement of the National Constitution and to make recommendations to the National Council and Grand Chapter for revision when changes are deemed advisable. The committee shall explore methods in which Chapters can be educated on Parliamentary Procedure and Phi Sigma Pi governing documents. The committee shall review all proposed amendments to the National Constitution for consistency in language and format compliance.

Section 6: National Development Committee

The National Development Committee shall be chaired and administrated by the National President. Committee members shall include Members in good standing who are appointed to the committee by the National President. The committee members shall participate by invitation in actions and research led by National Officers to further the national development of Phi Sigma Pi in accordance with ARTICLE VIII: DUTIES OF THE NATIONAL OFFICERS. Committee member actions and recommendations shall include improving communications and technology use, National and Chapter fund development, Chapter strength and stability, Alumni development, and strengthening Membership development and Initiation programs.

Note: The National Constitution provided on the Phi Sigma Pi wiki is for informational purposes only, and may not accurately represent the current National Constitution in effect when this page is viewed. The official version of the National Constitution is maintained by Phi Sigma Pi on the National Website.
National Constitution
Article I · Article II · Article III · Article IV · Article V · Article VI · Article VII · Article VIII · Article IX · Article X · Article XI · Article XII · Article XIII · Article XIV · Article XV · Article XVI · Article XVII · Article XVIII · Article XIX · Article XX · Article XXI · Article XXII · Article XXIII · Article XXIV · Article XXV