Membership Development

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Revision as of 08:07, 1 April 2015 by Jonah (talk | contribs) (Rush/Recruitment)

Membership Development concerns all aspects of rush/recruitment; initiation; and initiate to Brother transitioning.

Initiation Programming and Activities

This sections contains information and resources for Chapters. Content has been provided by the National Office Staff, Vice President of Membership Development as well as Chapter generated resources. Please note that suggestions for programming and activities should be reviewed to verify they are in agreement with your University's policies.


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Recruitment Planning Roundtable

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Mid-Initiation Review and Initiate Voting Roundtable

For information on the Recruitment Advisor position see: Recruitment Advisor


Curriculum Resource Guide

Created in 2006, the Curriculum Resource Guide was provided to chapters to use as a template for developing an educational program plan that would help prepare initiates for membership in Phi Sigma Pi. The plan provides a thorough outline of all content covered in The Scholar's Province. Chapters can not rely upon the Curriculum Guide alone to teach their initiates. Providing opportunities to learn about local history and traditions is essential to having a well rounded educational program. You can access a full version of the 2008-2009 Curriculum Guide or review the links below for breakdown o sections. Each of the links to the quizzes and answer keys below require brother log-in.

Defining Hazing

Recruitment Incentive Plan

National Membership Exam

All Phi Sigma Pi Initiates are required to pass the National Membership Exam with a score of 80%. An answer key and scoring guide is available to chapters. If an initiate does not pass the exam on his/her first attempt, the chapter may offer the opportunity to re-take the exam, but are under no obligation to do so.

Chapters should use only the annually approved version of the National Membership Exam. The 2010-2011 National Membership Exam will be available via the Brothers Only section on our national website by mid-August 2010. Chapters will also be to download the Answer Key online.

Each year, the national exam is reviewed for content and format changes. The approved version for the academic year is made available following Grand Chapter. An accompanying letter is sent to all chapters with links to the updated versions, a copy that Letter to Chapters is available for viewing.

Testing Accommodations - Chapters are permitted to provide alternate testing conditions for an Initiate if he/she has a learning disability. This may include, BUT is not limited to the following examples:

  • Permitting a Brother to read aloud the questions and/or write answer responses on the exam if provided only by the Initiate
  • Printing out the exam in a larger font size for seeing impaired students

There is no time limit for the exam for any Initiate.

The National Office will assist you with any additional testing accommodation needs should the chapter need further guidance.

Local Exam

While the national history of Phi Sigma Pi unites us all into one Brotherhood, each member also has a shared history with the members of their home chapters. Chapters have a duty to pass down the knowledge and history of their own chapter to Initiates. Chapters are encouraged to incorporate activities and programming ideas into your Initiation program that focus on your unique chapter traditions and history. If desired, a local exam can be developed and used by chapters to assess their Initiates knowledge and comprehension of the chapter's past, organizational structure and local traditions and policies.

Suggested content for Chapter Local Exam.


All content submitted to the Phi Sigma Pi Wiki-based Resource Guides is considered the shared property of Phi Sigma Pi and its members. Please do not submit content unless you are comfortable that it may be edited, amended, altered or removed by other contributors. Malevolent destruction of content and/or posting of blatantly inappropriate content may be considered conduct unbecoming a brother.

Content that is likely to be considered unacceptable and inappropriate includes, but is not limited to: content relating to illegal activities of any kind, or activities prohibited by Phi Sigma Pi or University Rules or Regulations, references to (legal or illegal) use of alcohol or drugs, sexually explicit material or references and/or content describing or promoting hazing, discrimination, or harassment of any kind.

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All content in the Resource Guides should be considered as advice only, and no content or advice should be followed if in conflict with the Phi Sigma Pi National Constitution, University Regulations, or state, local, or federal law.

Resource Guides
Alumni Development · Chapter Awards · Chapter Finance and Fundraising · Inter-Chapter Events and Relations · Membership Development · Public Relations · Risk Management · Scholarship · Service and TFA Programming · Social · Writing National Constitution Amendments
Chapter Officer Training Guides
President · Vice President · Historian · Parliamentarian · Recruitment Advisor · Initiate Advisor · Secretary · Treasurer · General Officer